Saw-whet Owl Banding & Measuring

As promised, here are more photos of the saw-whet owl banding process. I've been able to join a few of these outings to observe and photograph, with both saw-whet and boreal owls. I am always grateful to be a part of the operation and expand my knowledge of these little forest dwelling raptors.


First time seeing the outside world...

Waiting to be weighed & measured

Juvenile saw-whet owl, close to fledging

Measuring the wings

Taking measurements while the owlet took the opportunity to void its bowels

It's always a good idea to bring a spare sheet for recording measurements

Juvenile Northern Saw-whet Owl

Last summer I had the opportunity to once again observe and assist in the banding of baby saw-whet owls. I've been able to take part in this process a few times now; it's always a joy and an honor to photograph these tiny owls and document the process of helping them to proliferate in Southcentral Alaska.

I'll have more images to share this week, so please stay tuned...



Boreal Owlets

Hello Everyone,

Here is a bit of extreme cuteness for your day...

These are boreal owlets, a species slightly larger and somewhat similar in appearance to the northern saw-whet owl. Earlier this summer I had the opportunity to join two biologists and photograph the process of banding the little owls before they fledged from the nest. I am always honored and grateful for these opportunities to expand my knowledge of local wildlife and witness first-hand the process of assisting a species to proliferate. Between both biologists, they monitor approximately 100 nesting boxes throughout Alaska, and this was the only box inhabited by boreal owls…

Thank you, as always, for following along, and have a great weekend!


AlaskaWild 2021

Hello Everyone,

I am honored to announce that three of my images have been selected to the annual AlaskaWild exhibition sponsored by the Alaska Society of Outdoor and Nature Photographers. I joined the organization last year and have enjoyed meeting other photographers and utilizing the great resources that ASONP offers. If you are in Anchorage, the show will be at Side Street Espresso beginning this Friday, April 2. From there, the photos will be displayed at various locations throughout the state over the next year. If you have a chance, I encourage you to see all the stunning images that have been chosen for this year's show. If you are interested in joining ASONP, you can find more information here:

Have a great weekend and thank you for following along...


Brown bear in autumn, Eagle River Nature Center

Brown bear in autumn, Eagle River Nature Center

Juvenile great horned owl, Eagle River Nature Center

Juvenile great horned owl, Eagle River Nature Center

December Sunrise, Eagle River Nature Center

December Sunrise, Eagle River Nature Center

September Wildlife Photography Class

Hello everyone! Looks like we've got a few more soggy days ahead of us, as it goes with this time of year. Hey I am offering an intermediate wildlife photography course later this month at the Eagle River Nature Center (Alaska). There will be a Zoom class on Friday evening, Sept. 18, followed by 3-hour individual sessions with me throughout the weekend. Space is limited due to the individual lessons and two of the five spaces are already filled, leaving room for 3 more (however I could take 2 or 3 family members in one session). Cost is $85 and attendees must have either taken one of my beginning courses or have a firm grasp of shooting in manual exposure mode. Follow the link below to register.

Thank you and stay dry out there!



Empty Nesting

Look 'hoo' is out of the nest! When I visited this great horned owl family previously, this juvenile was still in the nest while its sibling had ventured out to a nearby branch. Now they are both out of the nest and will not return. Young may leave the nest as early as 5 weeks old by hopping onto branches and begin flying at 9-10 weeks of age.

Seeing as how this is graduation season, are there any human parents out there experiencing empty nest feelings??

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and thank you for following along!

✌️🦉 Colin


New Life in the Valley

Spring is in full swing here in Eagle River Valley and new life it popping up all around! I passed by this nesting great horned owlet this morning. One of the adults was perched nearby and I could hear its mate in the vicinity as well.

Have a great weekend and thank you for following along!


Image taken with the Nikon D850.
