African Wild Dogs in the Rain, Kruger National Park

African wild dogs in the rain, Kruger National Park, SA.

This pack of wild dogs (painted dogs) had a litter of puppies and gave us some great photo ops. The falling rain added a nice element and made for great expressions on the dogs' faces. These are some of my favorite images of the endangered canines.

Have a great weekend out there. It looks like we might have a bit of aurora borealis - perfect timing for my aurora & nighttime photography class at the Eagle River Nature Center tomorrow night (Feb 20). I would have shared the registration link but the class literally filled overnight, before I had a chance to post it. I will look into offering another class in late March.

As always, thank you for following,



African Wild Dogs

The African wild dog, also called the painted dog, is one of the rarest mammals in Africa. We were fortunate to have wonderful encounters with three different packs in Kruger National park.

I'm getting back around to editing through my images from last year's trip Namibia and South Africa. I will have more to share in the coming days...

