Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia

No great story comes without some bit of adversity, this I know.  Today was a classic example. I arrived in Australia just four days ago, early in the morning of November 3. I could have easily slept when I got to my hostel, I was exhausted, but it was a beautiful day and I was staying a mere five minutes from the beach, I wanted to get out and soak up the vibe.

That night I got decent rest and was up early to catch the sunrise the following day. Soon afterward, I picked up my camper van, grabbed some groceries and somehow found my way out of Sydney in heavy traffic while adjusting to driving on the other side of the road. I drove to Jervis Bay and met up with a mate I crossed paths with in India three years ago. We camped and went for a good hike the next morning and had a swim in the ocean before I was on my way to the next destination. Since then, I’ve covered well over 1,000 km’s with the van. I was up at 5 am today to make use of all the available light I had at Wilson’s Promontory. The images I captured certainly made the drive down there worthwhile, and I will likely return someday and spend more time, it was spectacular.

In my haste to edit photos, pack up and hit the road today, I left my AC power adaptor, extension cord, camera battery charger and a battery plugged in at my site in the Tidal River Campground, all of which I desperately need. I realized this when I was nearing Melbourne, three hours later.  In a state of semi-panic, I found a shopping center and located an electronics store, who then put me in touch with a camera store in the next town who had a charger that isn’t the same as the one I’d brought, but it would will for now. I also called the visitor center back at Wilson’s Promontory and thankfully, they’d found everything I left behind and are going to mail it to my friend in Adelaide, whom I will be visiting next week. After a while, I was able to look back and laugh it off. It cost me a few hours, a little extra money and some frustration, but it’s going to be fine. In the end, there is always a lesson. I need to slow down, I need to breathe, I need to rest.

The next few days will be spent covering a much smaller area and should give me a chance to slow my pace a bit. Tonight, I am going to rest, my body is telling me I need it. Goodnight from the Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia. This place is powerful, and humbling.
