Christmas in October, for Alaskans...

Happy Monday everyone and Happy PFD Week to all the Alaskans out there! If you are an AK resident and qualify to receive the Permanent Fund Dividend, this is like an early Christmas bonus. A few people are waiting to receive their PFDs to purchase a copy of my "Seasons of the Nature Center" book and/or 2024 calendar, so I'd like to mention a few things...

First, I am happy to say I have sold more than 600 books now, and out of 500 calendars, I have fewer than 10 left, so don’t hesitate if you’d like to get a copy!

Second, I have teamed up with the Alaska Wildlife Alliance, an organization that works to safeguard Alaska’s wildlife, to promote my book and raise funds to support their mission. I will donate 25% of each sale generated from the following links to AWA, so if you would like to support them and get a signed copy of my book, please use the following links (there is an option for local pickup or mail delivery at checkout):

Click here to order a signed book only.

Click here to order a signed book and 2024 calendar.

Finally, I will be leaving for Namibia later this week to lead our second tour of that country with Nat Expo Tours, so all mail orders received after Thursday, Oct. 5 will ship when I return in mid-November.

Thank you for following along and have a great week!
