Day 1, Etosha in Black & White: "Zebra Fight"

One advantage of revisiting a destination is not feeling the pressure to capture all the new species that you might otherwise be observing for the first time. It allows you to see the subjects from a more relaxed perspective; to create new and unique images.

After the golden hour of early morning, the light in Etosha National Park (Namibia) becomes very hot, like the ambient temperature of 100˚F/38˚C. While it may not have the appeal of low angle sun, it conveys the harsh environment in which these animals thrive. I chose to utilize the high key light and bright contrast to convey a sense of place in this short series of black & white images. Please stay tuned for more...


Please message me if you are interested in joining us in Namibia next October. You can find more information about all our upcoming tours on our website: