Lupine Sunset

Last night I decided to take a drive out of Eagle River Valley and check out the lupine blooming along Turnagain Arm as the sun was setting through the haze of wildfires. While the smoke and dry weather is creating interesting sunsets, the air quality is poor and I hope the fires are under control soon.

Thank you for following, now let's get out and start doing some rain dances!





Total Lunacy

After a sunny afternoon of spring skiing in Girdwood, I decided to hang around Turnagain Arm yesterday to photograph the moonrise over the Chugach Mountains. Good thing I did, because I would later come up empty-handed from chasing the lunar eclipse. After driving home, unloading my gear and dragging my aching body into bed, I barely caught two hours of much needed sleep before my alarm woke me. I pulled myself together, grabbed my camera bag and hit the trail with a hot cup of tea in hand. I hiked out about a mile to shoot the eclipse, only to watch clouds roll in and hide the moon after I set up. C'est la vie, it was a nice night for a sleepwalk through the forest.