"Seasons" Book Review in Anchorage Daily News

It's been just over a year since I launched this long-awaited project and began pre-selling my book, "Seasons of the Nature Center." The response was overwhelming and surpassed my expectations, selling nearly 200 books in just a few weeks.

One year later, I can say that more than 700 copies have been purchased (roughly half of my stock), and today there is a wonderful book review in the Anchorage Daily News. Click here to read the article.

I am still selling signed copies in my online store and it is available at various Alaskan retailers, including Barnes & Noble, Title Wave Books, and The Writer's Block Bookstore & Cafe in Anchorage, and the Bookshelf in Eagle River.

Thank you all for following along, and for helping to make this project a reality!


PS - I sold out of 2024 Eagle River Nature Center calendars (500 total), so please stay tuned for the 2025 edition...


Alaska Day 2018

Happy Alaska Day! Today marks the anniversary of the formal transfer of the Territory of Alaska from Russia to the United States in 1867 under Secretary of State William H. Seward. What was once referred to as "Seward's Folly" and "Seward's Icebox" has proven to be one of our nation's greatest investments. Here is an aerial view of Anchorage - our state's largest city but not our capitol. 




Browsing Around Anchorage

“Can I help you?”

“No thanks, I’m just browsing.”

Taken during a heavy snowfall in Anchorage yesterday. Moose are common in residential and urban areas throughout Alaska, where they are often observed feeding, resting, sometimes even birthing calves. They are also famous for consistently ignoring traffic signs, so “Give them a brake” as the saying goes and if you don’t like the way they roam, then stay off the sidewalks.

