Signed & Numbered Lynx Prints with 2020 Aurora Calendar

It's been a monumental week here at CTP after returning from an adventurous month in Cuba - my Facebook page just surpassed 4,000 likes, thanks in large part to the lynx photos I've shared over the past few days! I'm also happy to announce that I landed a photo in the 2020 Aurora Borealis Calendar from Todd Communications. I've had some inquiries about purchasing copies of the lynx photos so I am making an offer for the first ten Artist Proofs of two different photos, signed and numbered, "Sitting Lynx" and "Yoga Lynx" - a 12x18" glossy print AND a signed aurora calendar (my photo is on the month of January) for $95 OR you can get both lynx prints and a calendar for $170.

Below are the links for the lynx😄😄 - click the title or the image to reach my online store. Thank you all for following my journeys, sharing my photos, and allowing me to continue to do what I do. Feel free to share this email!


Sitting Lynx